In the ever-evolving landscape of business commerce, the buying and selling of products have undergone waves of change while grappling with the plastic pollution crisis. It wasn’t until around the late 2010s that compostable and biodegradable plastic packaging was identified as a solution for product packaging. After the whirlwind of backlash and greenwashing that ensued, businesses are returning to their roots, as seen with companies like Abel and Cole, to show that plastic isn’t always the enemy. Claiming to increase plastic recyclability seemed like a greater trade-off, but the conflict and complexities continue into 2024 as businesses scramble to gain a competitive edge. 

Legal actions are on the rise to put an end to greenwashing 

Major milestones have been reached over the last year, with the Green Claims Directive shedding light on the real issues of greenwashing, and more recently, the EU Government announced new laws banning greenwashing and misleading product information just last week. 

The new rules set out in the recently adopted directive are defined to work in conjunction with the Green Claims Directive, to regulate more accurate and reliable advertising and focus on the durability of goods. It will also address unfair commercial practices e.g. stating your product is ‘good’ because you plant trees, ensuring that consumers are not misled by false information in the form of greenwashing, and pushing towards genuine biodegradability and a circular economy from businesses. 

As regulatory scrutiny intensifies for those making sustainability claims, legal cases are also predicted to rise in 2024. Companies that can substantiate their environmental claims will find themselves well-positioned for success in the European marketplace and will avoid the potential of expensive legal costs. 

Testing to Prove Sustainability Claims 

As businesses gear up and navigate the complexities of changing market dynamics, adherence to these directives is a necessity for those accessing the European marketplace.  

Impact Solutions emerges as a crucial ally in this journey, offering testing services to ensure that claims align with established standards and directives. Businesses should embrace product testing not just to meet regulatory requirements, but rather to future-proof their operations. Our continued innovative R&D work and cutting-edge technology place us at the pinnacle of product advancement. Acting as the bridge between regulatory compliance and market success, we are continuously developing and defining the application of sustainable materials and rigorously putting them to the test. 

By substantiating claims with facts, we can smartly improve our plastic packaging crisis and support businesses in building trust with their consumers, demonstrating their commitment to sustainability. 

 Don’t compromise your reputation. Contact us today at