About Our Startup Accelerator Programme

Impact Innovations is a New Product Development and technology incubator based in Scotland. We work with companies to develop their ideas from concept through to commercialisation using our startup accelerator and R&D programme.

Impact Innovations is truly different in the full 360º service it provides.  From finding initial seed funding for high risk projects through to concept generation and providing access to skills and equipment for technology and product development.  Impact Innovations guide our partners from the drawing board all the way to commercialisation and beyond.

Although we don’t know everything we have a vibrant team of highly skilled and experienced, scientists, engineers and product developers on hand to help guide entrepreneurs and R&D teams with new ideas and product development. We work and have knowledge across a hugely diverse number of product sectors from consumer products, sports equipment and packaging through to recycling and construction technologies. Our team of material scientists work with some of the largest R&D companies in the world developing new materials from plastics through to exotic composites and nanomaterials.

Our Mission

We understand how hard it is to launch a new product. How well timed advice and help can launch a concept from the back of the envelope to the stars. That’s why we wanted to develop an organisation which can help at each step of the innovation journey, bring together completely different sectors and skills to drive new innovation in products, technologies and materials.

Our mission is to create a thriving community of innovators young and experienced and to provide them with the support frame work in order to develop their ideas, grow and thrive.